
K11 Art and Craft Heritage Baibaoqian 傳世工藝: 百寶嵌



In this debut research publication, K11 Craft & Guild Foundation takes readers on a journey to discover the Chinese traditional inlay art baibaoqian (hundred-treasures inlay).

Chinese traditional decorative art has a long history. Baibaoqian, one of the most opulent and complex inlay techniques that emerged in the late Ming dynasty, is a niche subject with only a handful of works written about it. This book is a fruition of the foundation’s academic research that reveals the historical and aesthetic value of the often forgotten craft. It opens with a brief history of Chinese inlay art, followed by a narration of how the ancient baibaoqian artistry emerged and evolved, before exploring the mastery and techniques of the art form.

An exhaustive research bristling with compelling images, this is an essential book for anyone interested in Chinese art and craft.

K11 傳世工藝:百寶嵌
K11 Craft & Guild Foundation 推出首本工藝研究著作,帶領讀者一同踏上探索「百寶嵌」鑲嵌工藝的旅程。
中國傳統裝飾工藝源遠流長,誕生於晚明的「百寶嵌」工藝是最為奢華、複雜的鑲嵌技術之一。「百寶嵌」工藝巧奪天工,卻鮮有學者將其作為獨立題目來研究,相關的參考書籍屈指可數。K11 Craft & Guild Foundation 以「百寶嵌」為題進行學術研究並輯錄成書,向大眾展示漸被遺忘的「百寶嵌」工藝所代表的歷史意義和美學價值。
