2017年《金沙玉工 I – 金沙遺址土玉石璋研究》面世,以高清攝影技術展示了玉器上的微痕和細部特徵,從而發現了精致的砂繩切割玉器技術。今年山東大學研究團隊與金沙遺址博物館強強聯手,再接再厲出版《金沙玉工II -玉石琮工藝研究》。團隊首創以一件金沙出土的良渚玉琮為研究對象,結合國內外所有相關良渚玉琮綜合的分析,結集成專著。
In 2017, “Jinsha Jade Craftmanship I – A Study of Jade blade (Yazhang) from the Jinsha Archaeological Site” was published. It demonstrates the micro marks and detailed features on the jade with high-definition photographs, thus discovering the delicate technique of cutting the jade with sandy ropes. This year, the joint research team from Shandong University and the Jinsha Site Museum publishes “Jinsha Jade Craftmanship II – A Study of the Jade Cong Craftmanship”.The team is the first to take a piece of Liangzhu jade cong unearthed in Jinsha as the object of study, combining all the relevant Liangzhu jade cong analyses, and integrating them into a monograph.
Jade Cong is the essence of Liangzhu culture jade artefacts. Liangzhu culture Jade Cong includes astronomy, mathematics, engineering, religion, philosophy, art and jade technology. This book is an important breakthrough in the study of Jade Cong, solving the century-old mystery of the craft of Jade Cong.
The three main highlights of this book are:
1. A breakthrough in jade research methodology, rewriting the history of Liangzhu’s Jade Cong.
2. Explaining the relationship between the Liangzhu jade artefacts excavated Shaanxi, Sichuan and Guangdong, and the Liangzhu culture camp in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.
3. Reconstructing the production process and crafting techniques of the jade cong from the perspectives of the chain of operations and analysis of the micro wears.